☀️Eating what you want when you're hungry and stopping when you're full; a skill we're born with but there's loads of noise and influence from diet culture of restrictive diets that may yield results but cause long-term damage to food attitudes and body image.
☀️There's no bad foods; you're not 'good' for eating some things & 'bad' for eating others. Diet culture has created these damaging concepts and they can echo inside us.
☀️Honouring your health through gentle Nutrition is key here, having tasty, nutritionally balanced foods while making you feel good consistently. I.e. you don't suddenly become 'unhealthy' by having 1meal/snack/day of eating.
Other concepts include:
☀️Emotional kindness; Eating for an emotional hunger may lead to feeling worse long-term rather than dealing with the source. -Respect your body; accepting your genetics, linked again to rejecting the diet-culture so you're not critical of your size/shape.
☀️Physical activity, to feel the difference, strong &energised is another key with this, not focusing on calorie burning . If you have the mindset of hating the activity it's not going to be a choice you decide to make!
🤨What will it do to my body?
Intuitive eating is a mindset that embraces our natural biology which can help you loose, gain or maintain weight. It can also help you positively change your relationship with food and body image.
For example:
If you don't eat when hungry you risk getting excessively hungry and trigger a primal drive to overeat. Restrictions are linked to eating disorders. Hunger is a biological signal we can learn to trust, if we ignore it the body retains fats, which is one of the reasons it's really easy to get stuck in dieting circles.
🤔What can I do?
You can begin your intuitive eating journey at any stage in your life
If you want to learn more and or discuss, contact a reputable Nutritionist (like myself)
Have you checked out my NutriCoach guide, packed with more info on intuitive eating, recipes and nutritional info explained, ready to be downloaded now?